- On September 30, 2020
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1945年香港重光後,百廢待興。同時間,國共內戰勃發,同胞相殘,香港亦因而再次面對戰爭陰霾。1949 年 4 月,國共北平和談失敗,解放軍發動渡江戰役,攻下南京、上海,南進勢如破竹。
1949年9月,英國首相艾德禮(Clement Attlee)向英聯邦國家領袖發緊急電文,將防衛香港類比1948年的柏林封鎖(The Berlin Blockade),是抵抗共產主義擴張的最前線:
“In some respects situation is similar to that which faced us – and to some extent still faces us – in Berlin. Just as we cannot foresee with certainty how future of Berlin will develop but are convinced of necessity of remaining there, so we are impelled to remaining in Hong Kong without any clear indication of extent or duration of military commitments involved. In both cases the threat of Russian and Communist expansionism necessitates holding what we have and not withdrawing.”
“For political and strategical reasons we cannot permit South East Asia to be dominated by Communism, and from an economic point of view it would be a disaster if the area were cut off from rest of the world. Any weakening before Communists in Hong Kong would be regarded by peoples of South East Asia as beginning of a general retreat and they would immediately turn their thoughts towards making terms with the new power of Communism.”
吸取1941年香港保衛戰的教訓,英國在1949年迅速增兵香港,守軍規模最後接近一個師,兵員總計達三萬多人,是 1941 年大戰前夕的兩倍多。是次增援,以削弱英倫本島的防衛力量來協防香港,對當時緊拙的英國財政亦是非一般承擔。在國會辯論中,後來成為首相的哈羅德.麥米倫(Harold Macmillan)更慷慨其辭:「香港就是東方直布羅陀,必須堅守。(Hong Kong is the Gibraltar of the East and must be held.)」
從港督的角度而言,香港需要駐防,但不要成為衝突的中心。香港經濟繁榮,在於既與中國維持和平,亦與西方暢通貿易,這樣同時有利中英兩國。借用時任港督葛量洪的說話,就是「中共強攻香港,只會得到一個空殼。(”All they would get would be an empty shell.”)」這個看法,正正與中共「 長期利用,充分打算 」的對港政策暗合。1949年10月17日,解放軍的南進終於止步於香港邊界。
“There has been no substantial or sustained movement towards self-determination and self-government in Hong Kong… There is emphatically no emotional popular support for such a course.”
所以,他認同葛量洪拖延將香港變成自治邦的楊慕琦計劃(The Young Plan)的判斷,並加以永久擱置。栢立基判斷,只要英方不嘗試培育另一個政治身份認同及獨立城邦地位,中共將會容許英方在香港的暫時管治。就這樣,香港沒有走上馬來亞及新加坡等殖民地的獨立路途,而是繼續政府以善治爭取管治認受性的方向。
Louis, William Roger. Ends of British Imperialism: the Scramble for Empire, Suez and Decolonization: Collected Essays. London: I.B. Tauris, 2006.