- On January 24, 2022
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1841年1月24日,英國皇家海軍砲艦硫磺號(HMS Sulphur)被委派先行測量港島,後來留下地圖傳世。25日上午8時15分,硫磺號艦長卑路乍(Edward Belcher)在佔領角(Possession Point;今日上環水坑口街)舉行升旗,並為維多利亞女王三聲歡呼(Three cheers)。26日,待艦隊齊集,英軍總司令伯麥(Gordon Bremer)正式登陸主持升旗儀式,皇家海軍陸戰隊鳴槍,軍艦鳴炮。

儘管沒有大肆慶祝,港府在1月18、19和20日透過電台進行「百周年廣播」(Centenary Broadcast)。第一日由署理港督岳桐中將(Lieutenant-general Edward Felix Norton)、立法局首席華人非官守議員羅旭龢爵士(Sir Robert Kotewall,巴斯華人混血兒)、立法局非官守議員羅文錦(Hon. Mr Man Kam Lo,歐亞混血兒)等人主講。第二及三日則分別由何東爵士及周壽臣爵士牽頭主講。

提到逼近而來的戰爭,岳桐引述了希特拉《我的奮鬥》關於英國戰無不勝,不怕犧牲的章節,表示希望至少希特拉會知道這次他證明了自己寫的預言是千真萬確(I hope that he will yet learn how true a prophet he has proved in this respect at least)。以下騰寫了相關章節:
“England has always had the armament which she needed. She has always fought with those weapons which were necessary for success. Tenacity in her Government as well as in the spirit of the broad masses, enables her to carry through to victory any struggle that she once enters upon, no matter how long such a struggle may last or how great the sacrifices that may be necessary, or what the means that have to be employed; and all this even though the actual military equipment at hand may be utterly inadequate when compared with that of other nations”
“For the moment we can do the job that lies immediately at our hand, and do it with all our might, and we can prepare to defend ourselves against all comers should the need arise.”
“Let us then close our ranks, forget our own troubles, disappointments and grievances; let us make our maximum contribution to the Empire war effort even if it is not a spectacular one. So when the of victory comes we can look back on our part in the war with just pride, and we can start Hong Kong worthily on its next hundred years of prosperity and greatness.”

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